Rowan & Rowan Hub (our specialist centre of communication and interaction needs)

Spring Term 2025



Rowan Spring 2 Overview

Rowan Hub Spring 2 Overview

Rowan Concept Cat words for Spring 2

Rowan Hub Word Aware words for Spring 2

Rowan Hub and Rowan Class information slides for September 2023

Rowan and The Rowan Hub (low complexity COIN unit)

Rowan Class and the Rowan Hub specialise in teaching children with speech, language and communication needs due to severe Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).

Our EYFS children integrate into their mainstream classes and receive specialist teaching and speech therapy at specific times during the day. Reception sessions are planned and organised to give children a wide variety of play opportunities both in the classroom and in our outside area. The emphasis in these sessions is always on providing opportunities for speaking and listening. Children from the centre who are in Key Stage 1 and 2 are taught Maths and English in a small group specialist environment in the mornings as well as receiving speech and language therapy. Children then integrate, with support from the Centre team, into their mainstream classes for Foundation subjects where appropriate in the afternoons. The Centre teachers and the Speech and Language Therapy team work together to plan and set individual targets for each child. Learning assistants from the Centre accompany the children to their speech and language therapy sessions then follow up on these sessions in the classroom.


In Maths we follow the National Curriculum and the White Rose maths scheme. Units of work are carefully planned to enable all children to develop a love for maths and make progress from their different starting points. Learning is both practical and visual and there is a strong emphasis on talking about our maths and explaining what we are doing.


In English we are naturally constantly creating opportunities for speaking and listening and we have an emphasis on learning new vocabulary. We use the Word Aware scheme which is also used in all mainstream classes too. Our writing is planned with a strong sense of who we are writing for -our audience, why we are writing- our purpose and what we are writing- our outcome. We develop our writing skills as part of these purposeful writing projects. As with maths, writing is carefully planned and differentiated to enable all children to move on with their learning and make progress whilst at the same time being able to participate in collaborative activities.


SMSC underpins all we do in school and can be seen through our 5Rs learning approach; being respectful, resourceful, responsible, resilient and reflective. These are highlighted daily in the Centre and they are very familiar to the children. The learning in the centre is specifically planned to give children chances to wonder in the world around them. Weekly ELSA sessions planned in conjunction with our ELSA teacher enable us to discuss both moral and social issues linked to the children’s experiences. Children have many different opportunities to work across year groups, in different groupings in the centre and with mainstream peers. In line with the rest of the school we enjoy participating in a range of cultural events and learning from each other’s experiences

To find out more about the curriculums we follow, please click on the following links:

Our EYFS Vision and Curriculum

The National Curriculum (KS1 & 2)

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