Photography & Social Media


It's important that children and young people feel happy with their achievements and have photographs and films of their special moments. Family and friends also want to be able to share the successes of their children when they have been part of a special event or activity. 

However, it's also important to be aware of safeguarding issues when people are taking photos or filming at events. The potential for misuse of images can be reduced if organisations are aware of the potential risks and dangers and put appropriate measures in place.

This is the NSPCC guidance which informs our approach to photography.

  • We do not use children’s names in photograph captions without parental consent. If a child is named, avoid using the photograph.
  • We use a parental permission form to obtain consent for a child to be photographed and videoed
  • We obtain the child’s permission to use their image
  • We only use images of children in suitable clothing to reduce the risk of inappropriate use. Some activities, for example swimming and drama, present a much greater risk of potential misuse.
  • We address how images of children on an organisation’s website can be misused. Images accompanied by personal information, such as the name of a child and their hobby, could be used to learn more about a child prior to grooming them for abuse.
  • We state written expectations of professional photographers or the press who are invited to an event. These should make clear the organisation’s expectations of them in relation to child protection.
  • We do not allow photographers unsupervised access to children
  • We do not approve photography sessions outside the event or at a child’s home.

We also have an acceptable use policy for using photographs, which includes asking parents not to share photos on social media.

Safeguarding children and child protection | NSPCC Learning

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